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Caitlyn’s Stories: A recipe for Peace

I am in a very lucky position where I get to be involved in many children’s lives.  I’d like to think I know my students very well but sometimes I find out something really big that I didn’t know.  Just today, I found out that one of my young students runs her own blog. I was so excited! And then I read through to one of her early blog posts and my jaw dropped open.

I am constantly teaching about empathy, compassion and the power we all have to make change happen.  My whole life is aimed at creating a world where we are free of the shackles that hold us back from being our best as a world and as people. Enter Caitlyn’s post. Caitlyn has much to teach all of us about life. Check it out here:

Caitlyn’s Stories – A recipe for peace.

Oh and don’t forget to give her a shout out!  Children with this level of thinking should be given every encouragement!

Thanks for reading!

Cameron Gill

Yes, I have cancer!

Want to learn more about Cameron Gill’s journey, his legacy, and his legacy projects? CLICK HERE for Cam’s official Facebook legacy page. We have heaps more of his story to share, so like and follow to stay updated.

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